
Georgian American University (GAU)

Establishment of the Georgian American University

The demand in Tbilisi for a truly western University was so pronounced that despite the fact that at that time there were already two international business schools in operation, the interest in a program offering joint programs in Business and Law was substantial enough to move forward with the opening of a Business School and Law School at the Georgian American University in 2005.

In February 2005, a joint limited liability company of American and Georgian investors was formed. This dedicated group and its Board of Directors established financial and operational management standards which aligned with the strict international, ethical and educational standards necessary. This group of investors possessed a wide array of knowledge and experience such as:

Development of the University

From its origin, GAU has experienced many changes, challenges and successes. Where the market so demands, new programs have been introduced, further developing and improving existing programs. The drive for perfection of the educational process as well as the management of the University is instilled in each Founder, Board Member, Faculty and Staff member.

GAU has one of, if not the highest placement rates of its students and graduates in Georgia due in part to the exceptional professional and practical skills developed as well as the concentration of professional English.

In the 2011/2012 academic year, GAU added the International Relations and Diplomacy Program to its Law School, resulting in the name change to the Law and Social Sciences School. In the 2012/2013 academic year, due to the successful performances of both its Business and Law Schools and considering state priorities and market demand, GAU opened the Natural Sciences and Engineering School. In the 2013-14 academic year, GAU added the Liberal Education and Humanitarian Sciences School.

On a regular basis, GAU students are given unique opportunities through internships to work with local organizations. GAU students are also able to participate in foreign university exchange programs.

For the 2012/2013 academic year, GAU moved to a new campus location (10 Merab Aleksidze St.) which was more in line with its high university standards. The 6,000 sq.m. building contains large classrooms, a modern library/computer laboratory, a café, gym and auditoriums. This, together with expansive grounds creates a pleasant and productive academic environment. 

GAU Mission, Vision, Values, History

GAU's Mission :

Providing education based on advanced scientific-research and practical-teaching models, leading research and innovative activities. By providing equal opportunities – by strengthening knowledge, skills and universal values and recognizing social responsibility, promoting the development of society and the global integration of the country through the creation, accumulation and sharing of knowledge.

GAU's Vision :

In its long-term perspective, GAU takes on the responsibility of creating a tolerant, collaborative and innovative environment where students and faculty can help: 

Values :

Both the mission statement of the Georgian American University and its activities are generally based on the fundamental values recognized in the Western democratic space. The University deeply believes in the inherent goodness of these values, uses them in its day-to-day activities and cares relentlessly for their protection.

GAU Wishes You Success !

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