
Al- Farabi Kazakh National University

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has a significant scientific and educational potential and further aims to transform into a world-class research university By a Government decree dated on July 25, 2022, KazNU was granted the status of a research university and the KazNU Development Program for 2022-2026 was approved.


Our mission is to strengthen the potential of highly qualified competitive specialists that are capable to meet the challenges and intellectual requirements of the world through innovative teaching methods and integration of education, science and business, which will increase national and international prestige.


To become a world-class research university, competitive in the global scientific and educational space.


A prominent thinker of East, Abu Nasir al-Farabi was born in 870 in Farab city (known as Otrar), located on Aris river flowing into Syr Darya river (which corresponds nowadays to Otrar region of the Eastern Kazakhstan). As the word “tarhan” included in his full name Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarhan ibn Uzlag al-Farabi at-Turki depicts that he was representative of Turkic tribes. During 9th and 10th centuries Otrar city was a large political, cultural and commercial center that served as a bridge to the Great Silk Road caravan ways that connected Medieval Europe with Asia. The main peace of his knowledge Abu Nasr acquired in Otrar. In this city to the age of 20 there he had an opportunity to get acquainted with philosophical and scientific works belonging to one of the richest libraries of the time (it was considered second after legendary Library of Alexandria). Then he studied and worked in Bukhara, Samarqand, for a long period stayed in Baghdad that was cultural and political center of Arabian Caliphate. The last years of his life were spent in Cairo, Aleppo and Damascus enjoying a lot of appreciation. In Damascus in 950, eighty years-old al-Farabi passed away.

It worth noting that Al-Farabi had an opportunity to get acquainted with the books of Aristotle, Plato and other ancient philosophers in theirs original language, which enabled him to become one of the founders of Peripatetic philosophy in the East. Thus al-Farabi was titled as “The Second Teacher” with Aristotle being the First. He left us huge scientific heritage, including about 200 treatises encompassing fairly diverse branches of knowledge: he commented on Aristotle’s “Categories”, “The Hermeneutics”, “Topics”, “Analytics”, “On Sophistical Refutations”, “Rhetoric”, “Organon” and “Poetics”. The most famous of Farabi’s original works is considered to be his treatise “Pearl of Wisdom”, “On the Perfect State”and “The Great Book of Music” with the last bringing him fame especially in Europe.

In the Medieval Europe translations of al-Farabi’s works to Latin and Hebrew appeared since very early times (12-13th centuries), and in 1930-1932 the translation of the first part of “The Great Book of Music” to French was published in Paris by a French scientist Philippe Erlanger.

The name of al-Farabi has entered the history of world science and culture. Certainly, his works possessed  great influence upon European Renaissance and acted as a connecting bridge that had united Eastern and Western cultures and philosophies.


KazNU is recognized as the first university in Central Asia, taking the 1st place in the “QS Asia University Rankings 2023: Central Asia”

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was included in the QS rating of the Asian region of universities for the first time and took 44th place

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the first and only university in Central Asia that has received a high assessment of excellence in the QS Stars Rating System

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University ranks 16th among the best universities in Europe and Central Asia in the QS of Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings

The country’s leading university has strengthened its position in the international QS Graduate Employability Rankings, rising to the top 201-250 and becoming one of the leaders in graduate employment. According to the share of employed graduates, the university ranks 55th in the world

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has received an AA+ rating from Academic Ranking of World Universities: European Standard (ARES) and is ranked among the leading European universities

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is in the Top 401-500 in the Ranking of Asian universities in the category “Higher Education”

KazNU enjoys great confidence from the United Nations and for the fourth consecutive period headed the global hub of the UN Program “Academic Influence” on sustainable development

KazNU received an award in the nomination “Outstanding Leadership and Management Team” in THE Awards Asia-2020

The University took the 212th place in the UI GreenMetric ranking of world universities, strengthening its position in the top 200 most environmentally friendly universities


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has significant scientific potential and further aims to transform into a world-class research university.

By a Government decree dated on July 25, 2022, KazNU was granted the status of a research university and the KazNU Development Program for 2022-2026 was approved.

The development program was designed considering state priorities, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025 and certain national projects such as: “Quality education – Educated nation”, “Technological breakthrough via to digitalization, science and innovation” and the “Concept of Science development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026”.

The Development Program consists of 4 strategic objectives:

1. Integration of scientific activity and educational process at all levels of higher and postgraduate education.

2. Formation of an advanced model of education and provision of academic leadership.

3. Increasing the contribution of university’s science to the socio-economic development of the country.

4. Creating an effective corporate governance model to ensure the sustainable development of the university.

The Development program also includes 9 target indicators:

The share of educational programs, which is included in the top-300 international rankings;

The share of students enrolled in postgraduate education programs (undergraduates, doctoral students) from the total contingent of students;

The share of academic personnel who have completed training and internships, including in the top-300 organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education of the QS WUR international rating;

The share of financing of research in the total amount of costs for research and development activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the renovation of laboratory equipment;

The share of citations of scientists’ publications in the Scopus from the total number of citations of scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

The share of projects carried out jointly with organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the total number of scientific projects;

The share of academic personnel, students and employees involved in the corporate governance system;

The share of profit from commercial projects in the total income of the University.

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